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Update on Our Move to Barbur Blvd.

Wealth inequity is growing. The need for safety net support systems continues to grow each year. Our programs have expanded to meet the need. Now our physical space needs to expand as well. That is why we are partnering with donors to create state-of-the-art, accessible, dignified spaces designed and influenced by the neighbors who will use them.

To expand our services and staff needs, we have purchased an office building at 8959 SW Barbur Blvd. It’s not too far from our current administrative building in Multnomah Village and allows for better public transit access.

The building needs heavy repair and renovation to make this our new home, including: installation of an elevator, a new roof, replacing the heating and air conditioning systems, ADA improvements, and significant updates to the second floor spaces for meeting areas and staff offices. The $7.2 million total budget includes the purchase price of the building and design/build features. Fundraising to support this move is grounded in the Growing Our Village Campaign.

This is a legacy investment. It will create the foundation for Neighborhood House services for decades to come. It invests in a future where all our neighbors have the community and support they need to thrive.

When renovations are complete, the new building will provide plenty of space for both staff and program use. The Free Food Market will have almost 3X more space for a better shopping experience, storage and prep areas. The Senior Center and its Resale Shop will expand significantly. The new building will also provide space for our growing Housing and Community Health programming as well as board and community meetings.

The revised project schedule:

·        Ramp up Capital Campaign: September 2023

·        Permitting and Bidding: August, 2023 – February, 2024 

·        Construction:  March – August, 2024 

·        Ribbon Cutting: November, 2024 

Interested in seeing this exciting new chapter in our history? Come take a tour of the new building!